Giving hope and support to the special needs community of Charleston County.

Our mission is to help children affected by their parent or caregiver’s cancer diagnosis find comfort, heal and grow from their shared experiences.

Our mission is to provide hope and opportunity to people with disabilities and their families, while teaching the community to do the same.

To help children in Charleston, Dorchester, Berkeley and Colleton counties with birth defects access things that are medically necessary and/or medically beneficial.

Our Mission is to provide the highest level of care in a unique learning environment where children and youth with Developmental Disabilities and Autism are able to attain the skills and supports they need to enhance their long-term quality of life, and that of their families, and to help prepare the way for them to…

The mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Charleston is to create a compassionate environment and programs that provide families the best chance of success in caring for their child with complex medical needs.

Our mission is to positively impact the lives of our local youth by providing structured educational programs that build character, instill life-enhancing values and promote healthy choices through the game of golf.

By giving kids something to do after school and in the summer, Kids on Point exposes students to new possibilities and instills them with confidence.

Through a variety of programs and initiatives, we help to improve the lives of these children.

Fresh Future Farm leverages unused city assets to create food and job opportunities that will transform the current food desert into a more self-reliant and robust community.