To prevent abuse, protect children, and heal families.

The mission of the Carolina Youth Development Center is to empower and equip our community’s most vulnerable children by providing a safe environment, educational support, and career readiness in collaboration with families and community partners.

Camp Rise Above provides life changing camp experiences for children with serious illnesses, diseases, and life challenges by creating customized programs that teach capers to overcome obstacles and grow in their confidence and capabilities.

Camp Happy Days’ mission is to offer support and encouragement to children diagnosed with cancer and their families by providing cost free year-round programs, special events and access to crisis resources. Our goal is to improve the physical, emotional, and psychological health of the entire family facing pediatric cancer.

We serve former felons, families of felons, people struggling with substance abuse, and others in need of trusted, reliable help they can count on to help them make the leap forward to a more positive, more fulfilling life.